

Why is the mentorship program a good option for you?

This program provides an opportunity for you to gain more experience teaching and/or receive one on one time to learn from a seasoned instructor at BEYOUTIFUL HOT YOGA.

After completing an initial mock class and before jumping into teaching regular classes at BHY you may choose from the following options, with a recommendation from the management team, to help bring you a more complete understanding of the BEYOUTIFUL HOT YOGA brand and class styles.

Mentorship Packages

Package 1: Teaching Practice – Karma classes: $30

Package 2: Expert Feedback – Karma classes w/ Mentor: $232

Package 3: Brand/Style Clarity – Shadow Session w/ Mentor: $244

Package 4: The Combo (2 & 3) – Karma Classes and Shadow Sessions w/ Mentor: $324

Package 5: Coaching – 1 on 1 coaching w/ Mentor: $90 per/hr

Package 1: Teaching Practice - Karma classes (teaching practice)

Price: $30

This package includes 5 teaching opportunities: 2 hours per class (30min
check-in + 1hr class + 30min clean up) = 10 total studio hours.
At all 5 Karma classes there will be another instructor teaching in the other room
or front desk – BHY staff will be there to assist with check-in and clean up.
All 5 Karma classes must be completed within 3 weeks from: ___/___/___

Package 2: Expert Feedback - Karma classes w/ Mentor (constructive feedback)

Price: $232.00

You will teach 5 Karma classes with a seasoned instructor present, they will
provide constructive feedback for you to incorporate into your future classes.
The instructor will help with check-in and clean up.
You will receive 3 free class passes ($72.00 value) to use while you are in the
BHY mentorship program.
All 5 Karma classes must be completed within 3 weeks from: ___/___/___

Package 3: Brand/Style Clarity - Shadow Session w/ Mentor (brand and style clarity)

Price: $244.00

This package includes 3 shadow sessions.
At all 3 shadow sessions you will observe check-in, attend class, and have 30
minutes of one-on-one time with the seasoned instructor who taught (one-on-one
time is simultaneous with after class clean up).
You will receive 6 class passes ($144.00 value) to use while you are in the BHY
mentorship program (3 passes for shadow sessions and 3 for personal use within
the 4 week time frame).
All 3 shadow sessions must be completed within 4 weeks from: ___/___/___

Package 4: The Combo (2 & 3) - Karma Classes and Shadow Sessions w/ Mentor (brand and style clarity with constructive feedback)

Price: $324.00

You will teach 5 Karma classes with a seasoned instructor present, they will
provide constructive feedback for you to incorporate into your future classes.
The instructor will help facilitate check-in and clean up.
In addition to the 5 Karma classes, this package includes 3 shadow sessions. At
the 3 shadow sessions you will observe check-in, attend class, and have 30
minutes of one-on-one time with the seasoned instructor who taught (one-on-one
time is simultaneous with after class clean up).
You will receive 6 class passes ($144.00 value) to use while you are in the BHY
mentorship program (3 passes for shadow sessions and 3 for personal use within
the 4 week time frame).
All 5 Karma classes & 3 shadow sessions must be completed within 4 weeks
from: ___/___/___

Package 5: Coaching - 1 on 1 coaching w/ Mentor

Price: $90.00 per/hr

You will meet up with a seasoned instructor at a BHY location to review anything
you might need help with (ex. queuing postures, class styles, etc.)
You will receive a single class pass for each hour of one-on-one coaching
session paid. (ex. 3 hours of coaching = 3 single class passes).

Already a Certified Instructor?

If you’re already a certified yoga instructor looking to join the BEYOUTIFUL HOT YOGA revolution, fill out and submit the form below, and we will set up a mock interview!



Riverside Wenatchee
741 Riverside Dr., Wenatchee, WA 98801

Kids Yoga Spokane
3009 S Grand Blvd., Spokane, WA 99203

South Hill Spokane
3017 S Grand Blvd., Spokane, WA 99203

North Spokane
410 E. Holland, Suite A, Spokane, WA 99218

Spokane Valley
1437 N. Argonne Rd., Spokane Valley, WA 99212

Coeur d’Alene
212 W. Ironwood Dr., Ste F, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814

Contact Us
